2024 Crea8 Sustainability Competition

As Singapore continues to progress globally, how do we continue to revitalise the building where we live, work and play. Themed “Greener Cities, Greener Future“, the 2024 Crea8 Sustainability Competition aims to integrate sustainable improvements into the existing urban landscape.
Chua Rui Xian Dara
Huamin Primary School
My sustainable “green” school emphasizes renewable energy, waste reduction, and self-sufficiency.
My school uses innovative methods to be self-sufficient, like composting food scraps, harvesting garden produce, and generating electricity with stationary bicycles during PE lessons.
Despite Singapore’s low wind speed, a vertical-axis wind turbine can be installed to highlight renewable energy diversification. Other features include collecting rainwater for toilet flushing, solar panels for electricity, and noise-converting speakers. The playground will convert kinetic energy into electricity, and energy-saving paint will be used on the school building to reduce heat absorption.
I hope these initiatives will inspire more sustainable practices in schools.

Chua Rui Xian Dara
Huamin Primary School
Tang Hoi Jun Wesley
Rosyth School
My ‘Green School’ isn’t just a regular building – it’s a living ecosystem. Nature is all around, welcoming students with its sights and sounds. Here are what I designed:
- Solar panels on the roof to turn sunlight into electrical energy.
- A small reservoir with a waterfall to collect rainwater and cool the campus using natural wind tunnel.
- A glass dome (greenhouse) to grow fruits and vegetables for our school meals.
- A wind turbine near the basketball court to help generate additional electricity.
- Trees planted around the school for shade and as natural fences, watered by our reservoir.
- A helipad made from recyclable materials on top of the hall for emergencies.

Tang Hoi Jun Wesley
Rosyth School
Dharini Prakash
Fuhua Primary School
A dream school to me is a building that is sustainable and constructed using recycled materials. I have created a 3D model of my dream school using waste materials to emphasize the importance of sustainability. Materials I have used included cardboard and paper to create the walls of the school, artificial plants to decorate and give a pop of colour, used lightbulbs, toys and some glue for the finishing touches. The materials used can be easily found in almost every household.
Through the creation of this 3D model, I have managed to find a new purpose for materials that are no longer useful at home.

Dharini Prakash
Fuhua Primary School
Jaynesh Muruganandham
Innova Primary School
Let me introduce you to “My Green School”. I have designed this school to include sustainable and self-sufficient features.
The features are:
- Installing solar panels on the roof to generate electricity using solar energy.
- Supplementing electricity generation using the kinetic energy from bicycles and collected food waste.
- Trees and crops will be planted around the school to help freshen the air, while at the same time, producing locally grown vegetables and fruits for students’ consumption.

Jaynesh Muruganandham
Innova Primary School
Annabelle Chai Xuan Yee
Frontier Primary School
In my green school, we have solar panels on the roof to catch the sunlight and turn them into clean energy. We use fans in the library instead of turning on the air-conditioner to save electricity.
The students do fun projects such as tree planting and going on field trips to recycling factories to learn about recycling.
There are also recycling bins around the school to encourage us to recycle. At the canteen, we only use reusable cups and utensils to cut down on single-use plastic waste. Our school also has a small car park with limited parking lots to encourage car-pooling or taking the public transport.

Annabelle Chai Xuan Yee
Frontier Primary School
Nakshatra Soumya
Innova Primary School
Students spend lots of time at school, so it’s important to have a place that encourages healthy growth. An eco-friendly school helps children learn good habits that last a lifetime.
Here’s what we do in our green school:
- School Farm: Each class takes turn to care for plants and learns about science from the farm.
- Composting: Turns food and biodegradable wastes into compost for the garden.
- Cooking with Produce: Brownie groups can make use of the fruits and veggies from the school farm to make snacks for charities.
- More Plants: Planting more greenery along the corridors and hanging gardens in classrooms for fresh air.
- Solar Panels: Using solar panels to generate clean energy.
- Reusable Utensils: Avoid the use of disposable plastic cutlery in the canteen.
- Textbook Donations: Students are encouraged to donate used textbooks.
- Recycling Worksheets: Recycling old worksheets.

Nakshatra Soumya
Innova Primary School
Adam Rayan Dula
Innova Primary School
Bedok Green Primary School is just as green as its name! I came up with the green ideas in my drawing by viewing my school from the top of the block of flat that is opposite the school.
- Recycling Bins: For composting and recycling to make fertilizers
- Bike Parking: More space for bicycles and scooters to cut down on pollution.
- Solar Panels: To generate clean energy from the sun.
- Tinted Windows: To let in natural light and keep the heat out.
I also got my ideas from other green buildings in Singapore with high ceilings, eco-ponds, gardens and plants on walls and rooftops. These features not only made the buildings look nice, but helped it stay cool, plus we can even grow our own food!

Adam Rayan Dula
Bedok Green Primary School
Nur Syifa Inyirah Binte Muhammad Faizal
Huamin Primary School
I designed an eco-friendly school that helps the students to live healthier and to care for the environment. My school has a rooftop garden with solar panels to generate clean energy, an indoor sports tower equipped with obstacle courses and sports equipment to encourage physical activities, and an outdoor garden shaped like a boat, a rain chain to water the plants and a scarecrow to keep birds away.
There is also an Eco-Robot that demonstrates proper waste disposal at interactive stations powered by kinetic energy generated by students running in place.
I hope the school will inspire healthy and sustainable lifestyles while fostering a connection with nature.

Nur Syifa Inyirah Binte Muhammad Faizal
Huamin Primary School
Maathangi Prakash
Fuhua Primary School
I created a drawing of an eco-friendly dream school using the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Using my imagination and creativity, I have added features that promotes sustainability, including solar panels on the rooftop, putting up posters around the school to promote the 3Rs and to remind everyone the proper disposal of waste into the recycling bins, rainwater collection tanks and an eco-garden.
My model is created out of waste materials to emphasize the importance of recycling.

Maathangi Prakash
Fuhua Primary School
Moa Jun Jie Kingsley
Rosyth School
The model of my school is about making it better for the students while being eco-friendly to our environment.
I have added solar panels on the school’s rooftop to produce clean energy and a green wall with plants near the windows to freshen the air. Trees are planted around the school compound to provide natural shade.
I hope this project inspires everyone to live green and care for our planet!

Moa Jun Jie Kingsley
Rosyth School
Aahana Sriram
Frontier Primary School
My artwork shows some eco-friendly upgrades that I made to my school. Solar panels and windmills are added to convert heat and wind energy to electricity for our daily needs. Hydroponics is used to grow plants, which saves both water and space. This method has become increasingly popular for growing crops and ideal for Singapore’s limited land and challenging climate.
I have also added a green wall that reflects heat to keep the building cool and reduce energy bills.

Aahana Sriram
Frontier Primary School
Li Yuyao
Dazhong Primary School
My artwork is a drawing of a school. I have included many sustainable features in my design such as solar panels, aquaponics and windmills.
All these features produce clean energy to power the different types of machines in the school such as the light bulbs, a chicken farm with a machine to season eggs, and recycling bins.
Since these machines are powered by clean energy, they will pollute and cause harm to envionrment.

Li Yuyao
Dazhong Primary School