2018 Crea8 Sustainability Competition
Our Climate Footprint (Primary)

In support of Singapore’s efforts towards zero waste, the competition focused on the theme of how we reducing our waste and be part of the solution that leads us to a zero-waste lifestyle. Through poster design, animation video and videography, the competitions sought to inspire students and youths to identify areas that promote sustainability for the future Singapore.
Ananyaa Arivalagan
Seng Kang Primary
“It takes only half a millennium to build two centimeters of living soil and only seconds to destroy it” – Anne Glover.
Reducing your carbon footprint means that you reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted due to your daily activities such as driving your car, buying products that are shipped from overseas etc. Below are a few ways to reduce carbon footprints: Turn off the lights when you’re not using them, and when you leave the room. Use CFL bulbs too. Add solar panels to the roof of your home. Eat locally-produced and organic food. Transporting food requires petroleum-based fuels. Lower the amount of energy by using climate-appropriate plants in your garden and installing drip irrigation. When possible, walk or ride your bike to avoid carbon emissions completely.

Ananyaa Arivalagan
Seng Kang Primary School
Chaitanya Saini
Global Indian International School
It is essential for all of us to reduce our carbon footprint. Most people are unaware of what carbon footprint means. It refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted due to daily activities. For example, transportation, deforestation, burning of oil, coal and fuel, etc. Everyone has to take on the responsibility of reducing their individual carbon footprint on their shoulders. We can do this by taking simple steps such as unplugging unused electrical appliances, carpooling, donating old things, walking, using the 3R’s etc. In addition, it is important to encourage everyone to think hard about their lifestyle decisions and find opportunities to reduce their climate impact. In conclusion, it is our duty to protect our mother earth.

Chaitanya Saini
Global Indian International School
Dhanvin Prakash
Seng Kang Primary School
Life of mankind has changed after discovery and inventions of petrol, diesel, electricity and machines. Over a long period of time, the use of natural resources become huge. This resulted in CO2 emission from factories and vehicles like trucks and cars, which lead to global warming and eventually, climate change. During our school’s environment week event, I learnt about carbon footprint and its impact on earth. This inspires me to draw this picture. This picture shows earth’s current condition with more CO2, less rain, less trees, more heat and less water. It can be improved by planting more trees, using more renewable energy such as solar panels, windmills and water turbine to generate clear and green energy. We should also practice the 3Rs- reduce, reuse and recycle.

Dhanvin Prakash
Seng Kang Primary School
Lee Kai Heng Eagan
Seng Kang Primary School
Cars on the road means travelling times will improve due to fewer traffic jams. Isn’t that wonderful? We can also use cleaner modes of transportation such as biking and walking on the shared footpath to get around. By doing so, we are exercising and getting healthier and lighter each day. My artwork puts together different modes of transportation that helps to reduce the carbon footprint for our beautiful earth.

Lee Kai Heng Eagan
Seng Kang Primary School
Anahita Ansari
Bukit View Primary School
Everyone plays a part in keeping the environment clean. We should throw our trash in the rubbish bin to ensure a waste-free environment. In my artwork, some people are planting trees and vegetables, while others are watering the plants despite the sweltering heat from the hot sun. They look joyous as they are protecting and taking care of the plants and trees to ensure that they grow well. The trees help to provide shade and keep the surroundings cool. They also help to reduce carbon dioxide and thus stop global warming. The Earth will, in turn, be cooler.

Anahita Ansari
Bukit View Primary School
Vernise Tan Le Xuan
Gongshang Primary School
This picture is about the earth suffering from pollutants. The trees were burnt down; instead of walking people drive cars and there is smoke coming out of factory chimneys. Earth is crying because if this continues, countries might suffer from climate change which will bring more natural disasters. We should use reusable bags when we go to the supermarket and separate our rubbish for recycling. We should walk more and drive less as cars emit harmful gases which is are harmful to people and the ozone layer. If the ozone layer gets thinner, it can cause climate change.

Vernise Tan Le Xuan
Gongshang Primary School
Naura Umairah
Bukit View Primary School
My artwork shows that Mother Earth is upset and angry with us. The smoke produced from factories and burning of trees causes air pollution. Hence, the leaves are covered in soot. The birds are dying due to the polluted air. The fishes are dying too due to poisonous waste being discharged into the sea. The buildings are on fire to show that they have been producing a lot of harmful gases. Everyone needs to do their part to save the earth. The light bulbs at the four corners remind us that we have to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Naura Umairah
Bukit View Primary School
Phoebe Chua Yu Yang
St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary School
I drew a tree in the middle because plants can live without humans but humans cannot live without plants. The tree has curly leaves because it is a special tree that no one has ever seen. I have researched and found 12 ways we can reduce our carbon footprints. I chose 6 ways that I felt a little girl like me can practice to save the earth. They are represented by a plant which is to save lives, a tree for the reduction in our use of paper, a crossed-out plastic bag for the rejection of the use of plastic bags, a crossed-out car to signify going car-free, an apple for eating seasonal fruits and a person brushing its teeth to remind to turn off the tap while brushing.

Phoebe Chua Yu Yang
St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary School
Audrey Adinda Gladia
St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary School
Climate change is a growing problem. My artwork captures the difference between an eco-friendly versus a high carbon emissions city. The high carbon emissions city on the left has oil spills and vehicles emitting carbon which intensify the greenhouse effect and increase global temperatures. Signboards illuminated by incandescent light bulbs contribute to high levels of carbon dioxide. Waste scattered on the pavement creates a pungent stench. The eco-friendly city on the right has trees and lush greenery, which provides oxygen and brightens the city. Transportation minimally impacts the environment and exercise is encouraged. The sun is the natural source of light in the day while LED lights are used at night. The pavement is clean and recyclables are used. My artwork shows the positives of changing to low carbon lifestyle and the consequences if we do not. I hope this inspires viewers to reduce their carbon footprint to create an ideal eco-friendly nation.

Audrey Adinda Gladia
St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary School
Valerie Gan Wei Lin
Gongshang Primary School
We are children of the future generation. We reduce our carbon footprint by traveling in public transport. We reduce the wastage of electricity by switching off the lights when not in use, as well as closing the tap or shower when brushing our teeth or putting soap respectively. We can recycle by using both sides of the paper. We can reuse by reusing a paper bag for shopping trips instead of getting new plastic bags. Also, to help the environment, we should get an air-conditioner with 5 energy ticks, bring our own water bottles, use rechargeable batteries, as well as solar panels.

Valerie Gan Wei Lin
Gongshang Primary School
Gan Zhi Jin
Huamin Primary School
The Earth is like a fragile glass ball. It is hovering over the sharp spikes of pollution and deforestation. If we do not make the effort to hold onto it and protect it, it will definitely fall onto the spikes and shatter into millions of pieces. By then, it will be too late for us to repair Earth.

Gan Zhi Jin
Huamin Primary School
Evelyn Goh Xue Ying
Gongshang Primary School
My artwork is about saving the Earth. The Earth is in our hands and we should not let it be sick by polluting it, and help by throwing rubbish into the bin. The boy watering the plants is to promote the idea that it is good to have more plants as we want a green city and also, more plants will help clean the polluted air. Dirty water will pollute the oceans so it is important not to throw rubbish into them. Marine life like turtles and whales will suffer as they eat plastic and can get trapped in rubbish.

Evelyn Goh Xue Ying
Gongshang Primary School
Cheah Hui Lin
Bukit View Primary School
The artwork shows a comparison between two environments. The drawing on top shows an ideal smoke-free environment. People make use of recycling bins to recycle their trash, and take green transport such as bicycles and plant trees to make the environment green and cool. However, the drawing below shows a polluted environment where it is not taken care of properly. There is excessive use of vehicles, inconsiderate people smoking openly, people throwing trash, and the industrial burning of plastic bottles, bags and other waste that generates harmful gases. The surrounding is grey with sadness and people are unhappy.

Cheah Hui Lin
Bukit View Primary School
Chin Rui Qi
Huamin Primary School
A polluted Earth or a flourishing one, the choice is in our hands. We decide the world we want for ourselves and our future generations to live in. If we do not make an effort to protect our environment and sustain our Earth, we will soon find ourselves struggling to survive in a dreadful place. Remember, we have the power to decide what our future should look like.

Chin Rui Qi
Huamin Primary School
Jaaziel Leong Le Xuan
Huamin Primary School
A healthy and strong Earth or an unhappy and weak one? We choose how we want our Earth to be through our actions. We should be aware that everyone plays a part in this.

Jaaziel Leong Le Xuan
Huamin Primary School
Temasek Primary School
My artwork shows how we can save our planet Earth for our generation and future generations. It highlights daily activities we can do to save our environment. Earth is the centre of my artwork because global warming causes major problems for everyone. Hence, we need to do our part to reduce our carbon footprint and save our environment. The carbon footprint inside the Earth symbolises environmentally-friendly activities. Planting trees is important as they absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen, which is a win-win scenario. Public transport is beneficial as it carries more people than a car, thus saving fuel and reducing emissions. Recycling is also environment friendly. We can recycle unused items to preserve resources. Reusable shopping bags reduces the use of Plastics, which takes ages to break down. I hope you will reflect on your daily activities to reduce your carbon footprint on our Mother Earth.

Temasek Primary School